Preview Images (Thumbnails-STAC)

  1. Titiler

  2. Titiler API

  3. Query Parameters

  4. Example Thumbnail

    1. Output

    2. Create Asset


The following Documentation is a step by step guide for how to create stac-thumbnails with titiler.

Titiler API

You can test the Titiler API.

Query Parameters

The Query parameters are documented under this link.

Example Thumbnail

In this example a thumbnail will be created from a GeoTIFF in output format PNG. Furthermore, the GeoTIFF will be reprojected to a different CRS.

import requests
from pyproj import CRS

# Define the endpoint
endpoint = ""

# Define the url of the GeoTIFF
url = ""

# Define input and output CRS
crs_input = CRS.from_epsg(3035).to_wkt()
crs_output = CRS.from_epsg(4326).to_wkt()

# Define the query parameters as a dictionary

# Define "rescale": min, max (min, max values of a Band, e.g. with rasterio --> .min(), .max()) 
# --> rescale is used to normalize image bands, e.g.: bidx: 1, ranges from 0-19, which is not color encoded. 
# Titiler uses this rescaling information to normalize the band values from their original range (0-19) to the 0-255 range, 
# making the image ready for proper visualization.

# Define "nodata": str, int, float (Overwrite internal Nodata value.)
# Define "colormap_name": rio-tiler color map name
# Define "dst_crs": wkt
# Define "coord_crs": wkt

query_parameters = {
    "format": "png", 
    "url": url, #required
    "rescale": "1,19",
    "nodata": "-9999",
    "colormap_name": "greens_r",
    "dst_crs": crs_output,
    "coord_crs": crs_input

# Create a Request object
request = requests.Request('GET', endpoint, params=query_parameters)

# Prepare the request
href = request.prepare()

# Print the full URL with the query parameters



Created PNG

Create Asset

Finally add the created titiler url to an asset and add the asset to an item.

import pystac

asset = pystac.Asset(

item.add_asset(key=asset, asset=asset)