Preview Images (Thumbnails-STAC)¶
The following Documentation is a step by step guide for how to create stac-thumbnails with titiler.
Titiler API¶
You can test the Titiler API.
Query Parameters¶
The Query parameters are documented under this link.
Example Thumbnail¶
In this example a thumbnail will be created from a GeoTIFF in output format PNG. Furthermore, the GeoTIFF will be reprojected to a different CRS.
import requests
from pyproj import CRS
# Define the endpoint
endpoint = ""
# Define the url of the GeoTIFF
url = ""
# Define input and output CRS
crs_input = CRS.from_epsg(3035).to_wkt()
crs_output = CRS.from_epsg(4326).to_wkt()
# Define the query parameters as a dictionary
# Define "rescale": min, max (min, max values of a Band, e.g. with rasterio --> .min(), .max())
# --> rescale is used to normalize image bands, e.g.: bidx: 1, ranges from 0-19, which is not color encoded.
# Titiler uses this rescaling information to normalize the band values from their original range (0-19) to the 0-255 range,
# making the image ready for proper visualization.
# Define "nodata": str, int, float (Overwrite internal Nodata value.)
# Define "colormap_name": rio-tiler color map name
# Define "dst_crs": wkt
# Define "coord_crs": wkt
query_parameters = {
"format": "png",
"url": url, #required
"rescale": "1,19",
"nodata": "-9999",
"colormap_name": "greens_r",
"dst_crs": crs_output,
"coord_crs": crs_input
# Create a Request object
request = requests.Request('GET', endpoint, params=query_parameters)
# Prepare the request
href = request.prepare()
# Print the full URL with the query parameters
Create Asset¶
Finally add the created titiler url to an asset and add the asset to an item.
import pystac
asset = pystac.Asset(
item.add_asset(key=asset, asset=asset)