How to add groups to a system?#

You can check the manual of the groupadd command in the terminal with man groupadd.

This article goes hand in hand with the User Creation Article.

Typically, a dedicated group is required for read and write access to your private EO-Storage. We will provide you a group ID in our welcome e-mail. After creating a VM, you will need to create the group separtely on each VM. Afterwards all users that shall have access to your private EO-Storage must be added to the group.

Create a group#

To create a group, use the groupadd command: groupadd -g GROUP_ID group_name

Example using group ID 5000: groupadd -g 5000 group_name

Add a user to the group#

Often used flags are -a (append) and -G (group). This tells usermod we are appending to the group name that follows the option.

ubuntu@eodc:~$ sudo usermod -aG sudo your_user
ubuntu@eodc:~$ sudo usermod -aG group2,group3,group4 your_user

You can check the user groups with the id command

ubuntu@eodc:~$ id your_user