# EODC Network of Resources Funding Next to the openEO platform offering, EODC also offers IaaS and the Sentinel-1 sigma naught datacube on the Network of Resources (NoR). Users are able to book services for pre-commercial, research and educational purposes. For non-ESA projects the sponsoring is limited to the Sentinel-1 datacube and 5,000 EUR as well one year duration request. To apply for a NoR sponsorship please follow the guidelines below: ### 1. Navigate to the website > - Go to the discover website: <https://nor-discover.org/> > - Scroll down to ‘ESA offers sponsorship to eligible entities to cover the costs of trying out the various services.’ > - Click ESA offers sponsorship >  > - On the Sponsoring Page scroll all the way down to the `NoR PORTFOLIO` Button >  ### 2. EODC Sponsoring > - On the nor-discover page find the EODC entry and select Pricing Wizard >  ### 3. Prizing Wizard > - In the Prizing Wizard you select your project type > - Select the packages you would like to book as well as the number of units and the subscription duration ### 4. ESA Sponsorship > - At the bottom you can ask ESA for a sponsorship > - If your project is an ESA project, please select `yes` in the dropdown menu ‘ESA Project’ > - If your project is not an ESA project, you cannot book IaaS > - Decide if you want to co-fund the costs and move on by clicking on the button `Ask ESA for Sponsorship` ### 5. Finalize your application > - On a new pageDetails of the organization/company and the project must then be entered. > - When all required fields have been filled in export your sponsoring request and send it to <NoR@esa.int>.